
Decentralized Wastewater Systems

Decentralized Wastewater Systems

Posted on 29 jan 2013 by Biorock

Why the BIOROCK non-electric Sewage Treatment Plant is the answer to low cost, sustainable sewage treatment. Failing sewage infrastructure nationwide has been described as “a ticking time bomb that's ready to go off.” The truth is, the fuse has almost burnt out.

Why Decentralise Sewage Treatment?

One of the major benefits of a decentralised sewage system like the BIOROCK® is that there is no large, sprawling, vastly expensive infrastructure to repair. All across the country, aging, undersized, centralised municipal sewage works and sewage pipelines are failing at an alarming rate.


In 2007, sewage was the most common pollutant, found at 15 per cent of serious incidents. This is not surprising given that the sewage and water industry caused the most incidents. Also common were waste materials, namely asbestos, household rubbish and vehicle parts.'

In 2007, the sewage and water industry caused 19% of serious (category 1 and 2) water pollution incidents. Farming, which is often slated by the press for water pollution, occupies over 80% of the UK landmass and is subject to strict controls, caused only 12%. Between 2004 and 2008, water companies in England and Wales were prosecuted 342 times for serious pollution offences, said the E.A. watchdog.

We trust the Water Companies to safeguard our rivers - it is their responsibility, paid for by us through our sewage rates.
The Water Companies are fined on a regular basis because the infrastructure is not coping. Now Britain faces having to £ millions in fines to the European Union plus spend £ millions to avoid future fines!